Donate to TEAL Team One
TEAL Team One
- Target $3,000.00
- Raised $5,970.00
- Progress 199 %
$50 donation provides:
2 soothing facials for a cancer patient
1 group yoga class
$100 donation provides:
4 oncology massages for a cancer patient
2 Healthy Steps exercise classes
2 Healthy Steps exercise classes
$250 donation provides:
6 individualized counseling sessions
11 therapeutic reflexology treatments
11 therapeutic reflexology treatments
$1000 donation provides:
1 full year of a monthly support group
5 art therapy classes
5 art therapy classes
Team Members
Julie Gunderson
$3,035.00 -
Leif Gunderson
Team Donors
- Jonelle McDonnell $250.00
- $20.00
- Ingrid Gunderson $100.00
Jane And Jim Ruvolo
to Julie Gunderson $50.00Go Julie!!
Mary Lynn R Pozniak
to Julie Gunderson $50.00
Anonymous Donor
TEAL Team One goes “Ovar” the Edge! Way 2 Go!
Cindy Morrin
Good Luck Teal Team One!!
Anonymous Donor
Go TEAL Team One! Hoping for sunny skies and no wind.
Beth Wagoner
For Julie & Lafe!
Ann And Tom Borgia
You got this, Teal Team One!
Anonymous Donor
Go TEAL Team One!
- Cheryl Pyle $25.00
- Michelle Martin $50.00
Pam Hoadley
OCC Teal Team One
Anonymous Donor
to Leif Gunderson $150.00 -
Anonymous Donor
to Julie Gunderson $150.00 - Suzanne Schneider $100.00
- Jane Sweeney $100.00
- Julie Gunderson $2,000.00