Donate to Hylant4Vic
The Hylant team will be composed of Courtney Mills, Mark Andrews, Nick Macek and Tanja Maffei
We are looking forward to our third year of supporting those in need and the Victory Center! :)
- Target $3,000.00
- Raised $3,050.00
- Progress 102 %
$50 donation provides:
2 soothing facials for a cancer patient
1 group yoga class
$100 donation provides:
4 oncology massages for a cancer patient
2 Healthy Steps exercise classes
2 Healthy Steps exercise classes
$250 donation provides:
6 individualized counseling sessions
11 therapeutic reflexology treatments
11 therapeutic reflexology treatments
$1000 donation provides:
1 full year of a monthly support group
5 art therapy classes
5 art therapy classes
Team Members
Tanja Maffei Chan
$1,041.67 -
Courtney Mills
$1,036.67 -
Mark Andrews
Team Donors
Lauren Duff
to Mark Andrews $50.00 -
Tanja Chan
THANK YOU to all our supporters-Hylant is excited to help the Victory Center & families they support
Diana Patton
Let's GO Tanja and RIMS!
Chris Evans
to Courtney Mills $50.00Good Luck Courtney! Great Cause! Thank you for your efforts.
Nick Macek
to Mark Andrews $100.00 -
Nick Macek
to Courtney Mills $100.00 -
Sophie Chan
to Tanja Maffei Chan $70.00Go mom!
Leslie Carlson
Good luck Tanja!
Lisa M Leftwich Leftwich
Go Tanja!
- Debbie Andrews $100.00
- Anne Towle $100.00
- Brianne Gillespie $25.00
Jpaul Dixon
Don't look down
- Andy Dale $100.00
Stephen Johns
From LLJohns Team
Karen Cox
to Courtney Mills $50.00 - Christine Rue $50.00
Basima Rumman
To Courtney
Tamara Greene
Go Team Hylant!!
- Joseph Wieligman $75.00
Maggie Tscherne
to Courtney Mills $65.00 -
Anonymous Donor
to Courtney Mills $50.00 - Anonymous Donor $50.00
- Tammy Lewis $100.00
Tammy Lewis
to Mark Andrews $100.00 - Dave Jagodzinski $100.00
Tom Nemeth
Go Team Hylant!
Sherry Gonzalez
Go Team Hylant!
- Peter Jahn $50.00
- Sara Skirvin $100.00
- Britt Brown $50.00
- April Thrasher $50.00
- Brian Sullivan $50.00
Anonymous Donor
to Tanja Maffei Chan $250.00 - Mark Andrews $25.00
- Courtney Mills $25.00
- Tanja Maffei Chan $25.00