Donate to The Chu Crew
We're back and it's time once again for Over the Edge for Victory! The goal this year for this sentimental Mama is to rappel with my son, Connor Chu while raising as much money as we can for The Victory Center !!
Please consider making a donation to help fund FREE programs and services for newly diagnosed cancer patients, cancer survivors and their caregivers. 100% of funds raised will stay in our community.
The Chu Crew
- Target $2,500.00
- Raised $2,537.00
- Progress 101 %
$50 donation provides:
2 soothing facials for a cancer patient
1 group yoga class
$100 donation provides:
4 oncology massages for a cancer patient
2 Healthy Steps exercise classes
2 Healthy Steps exercise classes
$250 donation provides:
6 individualized counseling sessions
11 therapeutic reflexology treatments
11 therapeutic reflexology treatments
$1000 donation provides:
1 full year of a monthly support group
5 art therapy classes
5 art therapy classes
Team Members
Amy Chu
$1,334.00 -
Connor Chu
Team Donors
Jocelyn Godfrey
to Amy Chu $20.00 - The Molinaro's $15.00
- Dan And Susan Swartz $55.00
- Rebecca Clark $20.00
James Perlman
to Amy Chu $36.00Happy anniversary!
Jim/gail Lafferty
Go Amy & Conner!!!
Valerie Seger
to Amy Chu $100.00I love you, Miss Amy!!
Connor Chu
Donation from Betty Darrah
Janet Gast
Enjoy the view! The Gasts
Frank Bolek
Good luck! Love Manders and Frankie
Tristan Hudson
+ Karinne + Nick + Elizabeth
Ken Kania
Only You. ??
- Amy Hollar $100.00
- Melissa Nowakowski $50.00
GarbeR-Ellis Crew Garber
We're in this together forever
- Simon Anthony $50.00
Bobbi Rosensteel
to Amy Chu $50.00Way to go chic!!!
- Austin Widman $50.00
- Anonymous Donor $50.00
- Kelly Wingate $100.00
- Rose Gunner $75.00
Anonymous Donor
to Connor Chu $50.00 - Nancy Darrah $100.00
- Taylor Hickey $25.00
Ryan Witt
I need a pie in Connor’s face on my behalf
- Claar Family $51.00
Susan Swartz
Staci Blitz
You are incredible, get it girl!!
- Dan Swartz $100.00
- Susan Swartz $100.00
Susan Swartz
- Erika Tasma $100.00
Diane Campbell
Good Luck!
Karen Evans
Good luck Chu Crew!
Melissa Helminski
You are you
Angie Gerhardinger
Go Chu Crew!
Judith Kania
Love The Chu Crew ????
Anonymous Donor
to Connor Chu $25.00 - Connor Chu $25.00
- Amy Chu $25.00