Hey there! Thanks for stopping by! I am a gratefully retired, passionate volunteer for The Victory Center. Not that it defines me, but I am also a widow, hence my Over The Edge story. I think of myself as a Caregiver Survivor.

Advanced Stage IV prostate cancer put an end to Dan Bach’s life. Dan and I had been married five years at diagnosis, eight when he died. Before cancer moved into my home I thought I knew what it meant to be a caregiver. I thought I understood exhaustion and helplessness. Other loved ones had died of cancer. Young children, very dear to me, had been through brutal cancer treatments. But when cancer lived in my head and heart 24/7 I realized how incredibly clueless I had been.


A Victory Center brochure in an oncologist’s office led me to people who understand.


Many thousands of cancer patients and their families have stories more challenging than mine. Having an organization that only wants to help, and does not charge for that help, is an incredible gift during such a horrific time in one’s life. I hope to raise as much money as possible to say “thank you” to the Victory Center for all they give to families facing cancer, and to, somehow, pay it forward.


Please consider supporting my rappel. I’m terrified of heights, so help me make it extraordinarily worthwhile. Thank you!


And HUGE plus if I can raise more than Jim Perlman!!!